Celebrating pride month

In June, more and more companies choose to mark Pride Month, to show that it is safe to be an LGBT+ person in their workplace. It is important to be aware of why the marking is still relevant today – and what you as a company should be aware of if you choose to do so. 

The foundation of the Pride movement itself is said to have started in New York in June 1969. Up until then, the police had launched raids on specific bars for a long period of time, where guests were arrested on the basis of their LGBT+ identity.   

On June 28th, a major raid was made on the Stonewall Inn bar, but this was met by protests and opposition from the LGBT+ community and ended in riots. The riots lasted for several days and are today seen as the beginning of the fight for LGBT+ rights. Subsequently, the anniversary of the riots has been marked with a pride parade, which over the years has developed into a larger celebration of LGBT+ rights – what we know today as Pride Month.  

Even though it has been 54 years since the start of the Pride movement, the fight for equal rights is still ongoing – and still relevant. Several countries in the EU are currently rolling back LGBT+ rights (DR 2024) and in addition, a survey from Denmark shows that 81% of LGBT+ people have experienced or witnessed discriminatory behavior in their workplace (BCG 2023). 

It is important and relevant that companies are aware that focusing on LGBT+ rights and celebrating Pride Month can help create a safer and more inclusive environment for their employees. 

4 points to be aware of if you choose to make a celebration for Pride

External visibility = internal work 

Pride flags and other symbols should be seen as communication about real LGBT+ inclusive initiatives within the company. 

An intersectional focus 

Inclusion and diversity should be thought of more broadly than just one minority group. 

Continuous support; not just during Pride Week 

Prioritize initiatives that create continuous support all 365 days of the year, even during periods when it may be unpopular. 

Dialogue with the target group 

Align initiatives with the group(s) you’re trying to create better conditions for, to ensure it is meaningful to the target audience.