Support LGBT+ Denmark

Would you like to support our work with a financial donation?  

On this page you have the opportunity to make donations to LGBT+ Denmark – just click the button below. You can choose whether to be standalone, monthly or annual. Your support goes directly to fund our projects in Denmark and in the global south to fight for rights and secure safe communities as well as emotional and legal support for LGBT+ people. 

If you have any questions about your donation, please contact . 

Suppport LGBT+ Denmark

Here you can choose the type of donation you wish to make

I would like to become a member as:

As a member of LGBT+ Denmark you get, among other things, influence on LGBT+ Denmark's work, a special newsletter with political news and cultural offers, access to the LGBT+ library, and of course you support our fight for better rights and well-being for all LGBT+ people.

 175kr - 400 kr.

 100kr - 250 kr.


As an ally, you are a supporting member of LGBT+ Denmark. The price is 300 DKK/half year

 300 kr.

Choose donation:

Your donation enables us to offer LGBT+ people support, advice and social communities. Your donation also can help us put pressure on the politicians to take better care of their LGBT+ citizens, both in Christiansborg and out in the municipalities.

  Min. 50 kr.

  Min. 20 kr.

  Min. 200 kr.


LGBT+ Danmark arbejder internationalt med at fremme LGBT+ rettigheder uden for Danmarks grænser. Gennem partnerskaber arbejder vi tæt med lokale LGBT+ aktivister og organisationer i Østafrika, SWANA-regionen samt Østeuropa.

LGBT+ Denmark works globally to promote LGBT+ rights beyond Denmark’s borders. Through partnerships, we work closely with local LGBT+ activists and organizations in East Africa, the SWANA region, as well as Eastern Europe.

Do you wish to make donation specifically for LGBT+ Denmark’s international projects, please support with a amount of your choice, to MobilePay number 859800. 

Read more about our international projects here.