The LGBT+ Counselling in Aarhus & Aalborg is seeking new counsellors

The LGBT+ Counselling is a peer to peer offer for everyone who has questions about gender, body or sexuality and would like to talk about is in a confidential space. More people are contacting us and we need new collegues who want to make a difference for a big and diverse audience. The LGBT+ Counselling is part of LGBT+ Denmark and has counselling in both Copenhagen, Aarhus and Aalborg. We are open once a week in each city and council by telefon, mail and physical meetings.

We offer
  • A voluntearjob where you make a difference for LGBT+ people and their relatives
  • A solid education in LGBT+ related counselling over two weekends in april 2023
  • A thorough training at shifts with experiences collegues
  • Ongoing supervision and upskilling at local and common upskilling courses
  • A yearly weekend for all three counselling departments with a combined social and professional focus
  • A unique community here we take care of eachother

Our local teams consist of 10 counsellors and we are approx. 3-4 counsellors in a shift together. We aim to have a wide representation of counsellors with different backgrounds, ages and experience. We value a good work environment where we feel safe learning from eachother. Therefore we prioritize the community in the team highly through social gathering and team meetings.

We are seeking you who
  • Is open about your own understanding of your gender- and sexuality
  • Is interested in learning more about the lgbt+ community
  • Is caring, good at listening and has the energy to meet people where they are
  • Maybe have experiences or understanding of the trans area
  • Maybe have experience with counselling or working with gender, body and sexuality in another context
  • Can participate in two educational weekends on the 22nd og 23rd + 29th and 30th of april in Copenhagen (transport and stay will be paid)

The counselling is open from 18-20 on Mondays in Aalborg and Thursdays in Aarhus.
In Aalborg we are located in Jernbanegade 14 togethe with headspace and Checkpoint and in Aarhus we are part of the LGBT+ House in Vester Alle 8A where we live on the 3rd floor.

You will have approximately 2 shift per month from 17.45-20.30. Furthermore we expect your to participate in supevisions 4 times a year, a team meeting each 2-3 month and ongoing upskillings.


If you are interested in becoming part of the team send a motivated application (max 1 page) to programleder, Silvia Miglioranza at

Deadline: Sunday the 26th of February 2023
We are having interviews on the 1st and 2nd of March 2023.

You are also welcome to contact programleder Silvia Miglioranza at or 54 30 00 01 if you have any questions. You can also send a text and we will call you back.