Counselling for professionals

Get professional counselling from our specialist consultants

If you meet LGBT+ people as part of your work, you can receive counselling from our specialist consultants. Our interdisciplinary team consists of specialists with either a psychology, counselling, or pedagogical background who have in-depth knowledge of the LGBT+ area.

We offer discussions, feedback and counselling on topics related to norms, gender, sexuality, and identity, and how you as a professional can best support the LGBT+ people you meet in your work.

You can contact our counselling for professionals at and one of our consultants will get back to you.

We also offer several skill-developing courses and presentations to private and public sector companies, institutions and associations that want to gain greater knowledge of the conditions of LGBT+ people.

If you want to know more about our recurring and well-tested courses aimed at the workplace or professionals with client contact, read more about it here.



Examples of inquiries:

I’m a teacher at a boarding school. We are experiencing an increasing amount of non-binary students. Traditionally we divide our rooms between girls and boys. But now we’re facing a challenge, since more and more students are experiencing not fitting in to these categories.
Thus, we would like to ask for advice on how we tackle the division of rooms in the future?

I’m an employee at a municipal support service, for adolescents who are struggling with eating disorders and self-harm. One of my patients is a young transgender man who is under the belief that his eating disorder has been helpful to him, in order to soothe his experience of gender dysphoria, as it is preventing the development of breasts and period. My knowledge about gender dysphoria is very limited and I need some guidance about how the two things are related. How we can work with the eating disorder, without undermining his gender dysphoria?


I’m working at a school for youth with special needs such as autism and ADHD. We have a lot of students telling us they’re transgender or non-binary. Between the employees we’re having many discussions about what this means for the students and how we should approach this. Is there anything in particular we should be aware of when talking about this with our students? We’re nervous about giving it too much attention, but at the same time we fear that the students won’t come to us if they need to. How do we find a balance?
I’m a municipal family therapist, and is curently working with a family of a mother, father and two children. The oldest child is 15 and non-binary, which is not particularly relevant for my work with the family, but since it’s taking up a lot of space in the family dynamics, it’s currently blocking our ability to move forward. The parents are refusing to use their child’s new name and is still using she/her pronouns, despite the fact that the child is using they/them pronouns in every other context. The child is very angry with her parents and the conflict around gender identity is so consuming, that I’m struggling to work with the other challenges that the family is facing. Can you please give me some advice on what I can do?