Complaints about LGBT+ Denmark's counselling service

Who can file a complaint?
Anybody who has been in contact with the LGBT+ counselling service can file a complaint. We encourage that you inform us immediately, if you have had a bad experience. Then, we can make amends continuously, so you can still have use of the LGBT+ counselling service. If you have tried to form a dialogue with us, but is not experiencing the wanted change, you can always file a complaint to the management.

What can you complain about?
Examples of complaints:
– Bad or incorrect counselling
– The counselling service is not living up to what has been announced.
– The counselling service is not available enough for people with physical disabilities or neurodivergent people.

What can you not complain about?
– Other users of the counselling service.
– Opening hours or other practical conditions, such as waiting lists, catering or location.

How to file a complaint
You can send your complain directly to the manager, Silvia Miglioranza at . Please remeber to CC the head of secretariat, Susanne Branner Jespersen at .

It is also possible to send the complaint via mail, to our adress:

LGBT+ Danmark
Vestergade 18E, 2.sal
1456 København K

Please include the following informations in your complaint:
– Name of the counselling service that the complaint is regarding.
– Date of the counselling session that you wish to complaint about.
– Description of events that has lead to your complaint.
– What could you have wished for instead?
– What are you expecting from us, moving forward?

If you want us to give feedback to the counsellor in question, it is important that you provide us as precise information as possible.

It’s voluntary whether you want to provide your name and contact details.


Do I get a receipt?
Yes, you always get a receipt via Email shortly after we receive your complaint, if you have given us your Email adress.

When do I receive a response to my complaint?
We will respond to your complaint within maximum 4 weeks.

Who will handle my complaint?
Our manager Silvia Miglioranza, will handle your complaint in dialouge with our head of secretariat, Susanne Branner Jespersen.

Information about personal data
We handle personal data according to current legislation. Read more about LGBT+ Denmarks data and privace policy.