Book an in-person counsellling session

Book a personal counselling session in Aarhus or Copenhagen

During our opening hours, it is possible to come in for a personal counselling session with a counsellor. This applies to our general as well as legal counseling. You are welcome to bring your partner or parents if you wish. A counselling session typically lasts 50 minutes and it is completely free.

Our counsellors can assist you with most topics related to being an LGBT+ person. No question is too big or small. Gender, sexuality, identity, relationships, children and parenting, transition, social networks, mental health, access to the healthcare system, well-being, discrimination, and bullying are some of the topics that our counsellors have experience talking about.

Opening hours in the different counseling departments are:

Copenhagen (our legal counseling department is located in Copenhagen): Tuesday at 18-20
Aarhus: Thursday at 18-20

If you would like the counselling in writing, you can send an email through our secure mail solution. Read more about counselling via email here. 

You are also welcome to call us on +4533131948. Our phones are open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday between 18-20. Read more about counselling via phone here

If you are contacting us because you are in a legal dilemma, we also offer specialized LGBT+ legal advice. Read more about it here.